Soins 100% naturels, efficaces, dermatologiques et sensoriels. Meilleurs pour toutes les peaux.
Des résultats qui changent la peau
"Incroyable, Ce baume est juste exceptionnel, grâce à lui j ai pu me débarrasser en seulement quelques jours d une vilaine crevasse que j’avais sur un pouce depuis plusieurs semaines."
Peaux à imperfections
"J'ai eu de l'acné hormonale après ma grosse, grâce au soin j'ai vu retrouver une peau lisse, douce et nourrit en quelques semaines"
"Après une opération j'ai eu une vilaine cicatrice sur le bras. Après deuxs semaines d'applications de produits nourrissant j'ai découvert le baume et il m'a changé la vie"
"Mon fils avait le coin des lèvres toutes gercés avec le froid. Le baume en stick lui a fait du bien instantanément"
"Petit retour sur le stick, j’en suis super contente il a vraiment atténué mon eczéma sur les mains. 🫴 Petit + pour l’odeur vanillée qui est extra 😍 Merci !"
Let customers speak for us
from 290 reviews I bought the Pure Detox body soap, it's perfect for my skin, it cleans and heals my skin deeply, the blemishes disappear with each use, and it doesn't dry out my skin, I don't even need to apply moisturizer after shower.
And its fresh and pleasant smell stays in the bathroom.
Feeling finally of no longer having plastic packaging
For my very dry skin, I find real comfort, thank you!
Smells good and easy to take for my 3 year old loulou
Smell great for me not nourishing enough for my face I find
A very practical balm to carry and apply. My kids love the smell and much prefer it to a cream that will leave a greasy, shiny coat. We use it for the hands, forearms, legs, and even as a lipstick. In short, a very nice discovery, I highly recommend!
The whole family is seduced by this tribe box!
Personally, a big crush on the balm! I regret not having tested it sooner!
After having tested it for the 1st time in a box, I definitely adopted the Pure detox soap by buying it for the 2nd time 😊 Too practical in the shower and too pleasant
Mini format ideal for testing. I have since purchased the normal size. Great product!
I love the concept 🥰, I love top products. I highly recommend 😘
And effectiveness of all treatments: children, soaps, stick cream. I buy some for the whole family.
Getting used to solid soaps, I loved the suspended system and the moisturizing veil it leaves. 🥰
Can't wait to test the children's soaps.
This balm is just exceptional, thanks to it I was able to get rid in just a few days of an ugly crack that I had had on my thumb for several weeks. A natural and really effective product that I highly recommend for all dehydrated skin.
Onbehalf products have become indispensable in our daily lives for the whole family!
The soaps are so pleasant and easy to carry, the stick I can't do without 🙌
They are perfect for our 8 month old baby girl - my husband who optimizes the products to use - me with my atopic skin.
To try them is to adopt them, so don't hesitate 😉